We Get Brands in Front of Customers Fast
Why Advertise with Us?
We have a large network of websites that contain over 30,000 pages of content and drives over 75,000 unique visitors a day. When you advertise with us, we get your company name and brand in front of those visitors. This is great exposure for your pest or wildlife control company. It will drive a lot of additional traffic to your company website and social media pages, providing you with more business.
How do you know it works?
We did a study by creating 4 fictitious companies with their own unique company name, website and Yelp page. We then listed these fictitious companies in 4 locations across the United States on our websites. Between 7% to 23% of visitors that saw the fake company name, searched for it to learn more or find reviews on social media, then called directly using the phone number on the company website or Yelp page that we tracked.
In addition, our new clients commonly report a notable increase in calls coming from their own website or social media pages shortly after utilizing our advertising.
How does this work?
- People with a pest problem search the internet to help identify their problem, do research, look for a company, and much more. A large percent of these people visit one of our websites as we target over 4,800 search terms, like "remove raccoons" and "noises in my attic", and 3 of our websites are usually in the top 5 search results.
- Our websites help these people find what they are looking for and our content heavily recommends that people with a nuisance pest use a local professional to solve their problem for numerous reasons.
- Many of these people end up on a webpage that shows your company name and logo. Some people call you right there on the spot and others then do research on your company, contacting you on social media or your website.
Step 1) People Search the Internet

Our websites are are the top search results for over 4,800 keywords, like "noises in my attic" for this example.
Step 2) Visitor Reads Content, then Finds a Professional

We help the prospective customer do research and learn about their problem for "noises in my attic" then they find a professional by clicking on the map.
Step 3) Lead Clicks on Map and Finds your Company

Visitors to this page usually call you directly and book an appointment. However, between 7% to 23% of visitors see your company name, search for it to learn more or find reviews, then call you directly.
How do charge for your services?
A lot of the time your company exposure is free, we do not charge for impressions, clicks, or views. We only get paid if someone calls you directly from our website. If no one calls from our website, you do not pay. There are also no sign up costs or maintenance fees.

"We love the advertising we have with Augie... I'd love to pick up some other local market areas" - Chris O'Banion (Cincinnati, OH)

"Every lead is gold. I’m averaging 31-37 leads and closing around 40% of them. - Jay Wilkins (Seaford, DE)

"It's the only advertise I use and I'm almost overwhelmed with how much work it gets me." - Jon Munsterman (Everett, WA)

"I pick up a solid stream of calls from it. I personally think it is one of the better Wildlife specific advertising out there." - Dalton Stephenson (Sacramento, CA)

"I have been with them for 10 years....Gets lots of business" - Scott Robinson (Bridgeport, CT)

"The return is worth every penny." - Joe Herring (Raleigh, NC)