We Rank Your Website on the 1st Page

What is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and is focussed around getting your business more organic (non-paid) traffic online. Our proprietary blend of techniques and activities will drive higher quality and quantity of potential customers to your website and other digital assets. We do this by having your website show up for more search results and rank higher on the 1st page for search results. The reason it is important to invest in SEO, is because doing so means get more non-paid traffic to your website, generate more leads, and drive higher sales without having to pay Google for more clicks. In addition, most searchers do not click on ads so you are missing out on the majority of the search market by not having your website rank in the organic search results.


What is involved in our our SEO services?

  • Keyword Research: We will put together a target list of keywords to rank for. Most companies are the similar but there are nuances. For examples, a wildlife control company in Florida will want to target "armadillo removal" as they are primarily found in the southeast and Texas, so we would not target this keyword for a wildlife control client in New York or Oregon. Another example, a pest control company in California will likely want to target the keyword "termite inspection" but a pest control company in Maine or North Dakota would likely not want to as they are rarely found in the northern states. We get consensus with you on the keywords you want to target.
  • On-Site Optimization & Technical SEO: We will optimize your website for ranking factors like website load time, user experience, responsive design, robot.txt directives, meta tags, structural data, broken links, and other factors. We have a checklist of over 30 items we optimize for when we go through with each website. And we keep monitoring them to make sure that your website is the best it can be.
  • Content Marketing: We publish LOTS of content on your site. Our full-time team of 5 content writers are always writing and are very knowledgeable in the wildlife and pest control fields. We will also identify content gaps by analyzing your competitors and making sure that your site has better content than they do. There is not one thin content website we manage, you can expect a rich experience for your website visitors that will keep them engaged and converting to customers.
  • Off-Page Optimization & Link Building: We build authority for your website by earning links from other authoritative websites, building your brand by publishing it across numerous PR channels, and use influencers to amplify your content. We have relationships with hundreds of other webmasters, organizations, and news outlets to promote your company and attain links from. We will establish your website as the leading trusted authority in your market for wildlife or pest control.


Why use us?

WE GET RESULTS, PERIOD! And we will not charge you if we do not. Here are some real-life examples:

1) Very competitive Houston market with an existing wildlife control website that had very little traffic, and we grew traffic 471% from 45 unique visitors in September to 257 in March, 6 months later... and growing!

Houston SEO 2


We did this by targeting keywords that were high quality and high conversion:

Houston SEO Keywords

Their site traffic is now worth over $2,000 a month if you were to pay for it using Google Ads, and they now rank for 384 keywords

Houston SEO Rankings 2


2) National pest control company that hired us in January 2019, and we grew traffic 387%, from 19k unique visitors a month to about 96k in March 2020.

National SEO

Site traffic is now worth $238k a month if you were to pay for it using Google Ads and the site now ranks for over 29k keywords

National SEO Rankings


Here are some other less important reasons to use us:

  • We understand the wildlife & pest control industries: we have been servicing these industries since 2003, we have wildlife biologist on our staff, and we have 3 ex-technicians that understand your business model
  • We know your customers: what they search for, questions they have, and the content they are looking for
  • We have a lab: we have an entire office of digital marketing experts that are constantly testing new techniques and strategies to further improve rankings on our 80+ dummy websites. We test on our platform and websites first, so that we do not risk your website and know for certain that our SEO techniques work


How do charge for your SEO services?

We charge a monthly flat-rate retainer. Our services more than pay for themselves after 2 months and the results can be astonishing. Our rates vary based on volume of websites and markets our client wants to target. We also provide discounts for bundling of multiple services like lead generation, PPC, Google my Business optimization, etc. and bulk websites.


Chris Testimonial

"We love the advertising we have with Augie... I'd love to pick up some other local market areas" - Chris O'Banion (Cincinnati, OH)

Jay Testimonial

"Every lead is gold. I’m averaging 31-37 leads and closing around 40% of them. - Jay Wilkins (Seaford, DE)

Jon Testimonial

"It's the only advertise I use and I'm almost overwhelmed with how much work it gets me." - Jon Munsterman (Everett, WA)

Dalton Testimonial

"I pick up a solid stream of calls from it. I personally think it is one of the better Wildlife specific advertising out there." - Dalton Stephenson (Sacramento, CA)

Scott Testimonial

"I have been with them for 10 years....Gets lots of business" - Scott Robinson (Bridgeport, CT)

Joe Testimonial

"The return is worth every penny." - Joe Herring (Raleigh, NC)

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Next Steps...

If you are interested in joining the 200 other pest & wildlife control companies that use us or you just want to learn more, please contact us.